The following is the procedure for how to successfully create a delicious yet nutritious PB&J sandwich.
- Open the Kitchen Cupboard.
- Remove the Creamy peanut butter jar from the cupboard.
- Place peanut butter jar on counter.
- Close cupboard door to avoid bumping head on dangerous cupboard door corners.
- Walk to refrigerator.
- Open refrigerator door.
- Locate strawberry jam.
- Remove strawberry jam from refrigerator.
- Close refrigerator door to save energy.
- Walk back to counter and place strawberry jam jar on counter.
- Remove one sheet of paper towel from paper towel roll and lay flat on counter.
- Pick up bread bag and remove twist tie holding bag shut.
- Reach in bread bag and take out two slices of bread.
- Place slices of bread on top of paper towel.
- Open silverware drawer beneath counter and remove a knife
- Close silverware drawer
- Unscrew peanut butter jar lid, remove, and put lid down on the counter.
- Insert knife blade into peanut butter to scoop out a heaping portion of peanut butter.
- Smear and spread peanut butter on one side of one slice of bread.
- To clean the rest of the peanut butter off of the knife, wipe it on one side of the other slice of bread.
- Unscrew strawberry jam jar lid, remove, and put lid down on the counter.
- Insert knife blade into jam and scoop out heaping portion of jam. Make sure to use lots to have a good jam to peanut butter ratio.
- Smear and spread jam onto the peanutbuttered sides of bread until knife is clean. Carefully lick knife clean if you must.
- Put the peanut buttered and jammed sides of the two slices of bread together, pushing lightly.
- Cut the sandwich in half down the middle. Diagonally is for grilled cheese sandwiches only.
- Walk to sink with knife in hand
- Put knife in sink. Walk back to the countertop
- replace peanut butter jar lid on peanut butter jar. Screw on tight.
- Replace strawberry jam jar lid on strawberry jam jar. Screw on tight.
- Return strawberry jam jar to the refrigerator, closing refrigerator tightly.
- Return peanut butter jar to the cupboard, closing the cupboard door afterwards.
- Carefully wrap paper towel around completed sandwich, and go to your favorite PB&J eating location.
If you're feeling extra bold, skip steps 26, 27, 30, and 31. Add, "32. Hope that someone else will clean up after you"