I am newly addicted to
Twitter! Seriously. Friends and fam, prepare to stage a
twittervention and send me off to
twithab. It's ridiculous.
[P.S. follow my tweets by clicking here]
I'm way too informed. 30 minutes into catching up on all the friends' tweets I missed while I was sleeping and I have 18 tabbed articles open to read. Now, I don't know about you, but even I am worried about ME having access to that volume of knowledge. Who knows what sort of shenanigans I could get myself into with increased skill and unlimited information?
I'm trying to use twitter to streamline my productivity in some ways. For example, my followers are automatically notified when I publish a new post here. I'll soon set it up to tweet when I list a new item in my etsy shop. AND I'm pretty much not using my GoogleReader or BlogBridge anymore to catch up on my RSS feeds. Rather, those blogs that I read that are on twitter, I follow, and they let me know when they post something new! And yes, that means that if I usually read your blog and you DON'T twitter, there's a chance I might miss you somehow.
The only reason that this might matter to blog-readers is that now, when I have a small seedling of a thought process that might turn into some sort of great post, I condense it into 140 characters, put it out into the world, and consider it out of my brain. No longer do ideas brew and develop normally. Hopefully, I'll overcome this and allow real thought development to continue.
I really do think twitter is well on it's way to becoming HUGE in the world of business, news, and social networking. I know I, personally tweet like the dickens. But not like
Charles Dickens who happens to tweet as well. And not quite like
William Shakespeare or
Edgar Allen Poe, who manage to tweet from beyond the grave, and even communicate with one another. Do you
see the awesomeness?
Are you on twitter yet?